Roger D. Haire II (Rockin Rod)

Hey everyone! My name is Kelly Denise and I am the newest radio host for You Turn Radio. I reside in Southwest Georgia with the love of my life and our wonderful children. I am a member of New Harvest Outreach Ministry and an avid supporter of Mental Health Awareness.
At a very young age, I was diagnosed with Bi-polar, depression, anxiety and OCD. I had many doctor visits that always ended the same way, with medication that was “suppose” to help with this disease. I spoke with many therapist throughout these years and tried to learn coping mechanisms to help with manic episodes and at times suicidal thoughts. As years passed by, I became a very angry, miserable, emotional person that couldn’t handle the reality of life on a daily basis. I wanted so bad to be “normal” and I fed my flesh with alcohol, drugs, and prescription pills. From the outside looking in, I had it all together. I had beautiful healthy children, a home that most people dream of living in, a husband that I adored and adored me, a job that I enjoyed. But inside, I was completely falling apart and I was taking everyone that I loved, and who loved me, down with me. I hated myself, so I definitely couldn’t love or show love to anyone else. I was in pure darkness, nothing in my life made any sense and I began to build up walls and allowed Satan to take over my mind. Notice I said that “I ALLOWED” Satan, I didn’t know that I had a choice!Mental Health is a very serious disease and it has taken over so many lives simply because we don’t realize that we have a choice! Romans 8:5 says that we have the choice to mind the things of the “flesh” or of the “Spirit.” We have to realize that we are at war and our mind is the battlefield. Satan has known us and studied us for a long time and he knows what our weaknesses are. He then uses those weaknesses to his advantage to set up strongholds in our minds to make us think we have no choice, that we have no way out. As I reached out to specialists and therapists I truly lost my senses that God had blessed me with someone that wanted to carry my cross as well. After all, he was with me through every step and unknowingly I helped to make sure he felt most of my pain.As I mentioned before, I am married with children. So if you add all these things above, you can only imagine how dim the flames were burning relating to my marriage. Deliverance is the only answer, being healed and being made whole are two separate things. Speaking from someone who has been delivered, I now have a passion for others that are in relationships that seem hopeless. Join this show and let’s get back to the basics, let’s rekindle flames, let’s build passion stronger than ever before. Some of us have forgotten as well as some have never known that God has designed us to be lovers as we empower one another as one. This show is designed for couples as well as married couples to just slow down and appreciate, love, desire and depend on each other.Many Blessings,Kelly Denise

Big Mo
Marcus “BIG MO” Moses, is a proud native of Blakely, Ga. Marcus graduated from Early County high school in 1997 . After high school he spent 4 years in the US Navy. Marcus always had a passion for radio and in 2017 through Divine Intervention he got his big break as he became a high school football color commentator/play by play announcer for Flint Media in Bainbridge. For the past 6 seasons he has covered and did radio broadcasts for the Early County Bobcats. Seminole County Indians, Miller County Pirates, Westwood Wildcats, Mitchell County Eagles, and the Pelham Hornets.
Markus is also a contributor for the Power talk sports panel with Wilson Communications in Dothan, Al. His passionate and often humorous take on sports is what led him to be part of the panel of the Deep South Football Report! This journey has placed his voice reaching over 150 thousand plus listeners. Above all, his love for God is his driving force and on this global stage, Markus has learned that this is a grand opportunity to witness to others as we share our passion for the sport.
Marcus has been married to his wife Shameeka for 14 years and they have two children Noah and Kennedi. Markus takes pride in being a “Godly” husband to his best friend, a father to his amazing children and a Deacon for New Harvest Outreach Ministries.
““I am the epitome of Matthew 19:26” I truly believe that “With God All Things Are Possible” so my prayer is that something I say may empower or encourage someone under the sound of our voice through this show. So please receive my heartfelt invitation, “Please join us on the Deep South Football Report” and above all please remember that no matter the circumstances, through our Heavenly Father, EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE.
Sincerely yours,
Marcus “BIG MO” Moses

DJ Cosby
Hey everybody my name is Daylon Cosby I am a former football player at Bainbridge High School. I was part of the 2018 State Championship. That story all in itself is one worth reading. We started the season horribly, Hurricane Michael destroyed our city, affecting our entire area. Many called our squad the “Small Town Miracle Team”. Many looking from the outside question how this was possible. To say the least, we had great leaders and role models that encouraged us to trust in God, keep pushing and “FINISH THE COURSE”.
That season we all watched a true testimony unfold as we became “State Champions”. Needless to say that year went down in history for our city, that experience also changed my life as in my young age. I surrendered to God in that season of my life. I am now with my grade school sweetheart, Ryleigh Yates and looking forward to what God has in store For us. We both are sowing seeds through our careers and the pursuit of further education, knowing that long as we faint not, the best is yet to come as God has his hands on our lives.The most important thing that I learned through the storm, was just as it reads in Galatians 6:9 We will Reap our reward as long as we FINISH THE COURSE.
I have had the pleasure of being around football my entire life, as my father, Larry Cosby has served the sport as coordinating and coaching as well. My passion continued as well, from watching my brother play the sport under great coaches and support systems also. I have been blessed to have shared the field with amazing future/current NFL stars like Trevor Lawrence, Dameon Pierce, Smoke Bouie, and Juju McDowell just to name a few. As I have moved forward with my life, I have taken a much different path and surprisingly football was only for a season in my life as I chose not to pursue the sport as a career. I love watching football as it brings me much joy. I am still very much a part of the sport that inspired me to be the man I am today.I am currently the youngest host and active panel member for the “Deep South Football Report”. I have the pleasure of co-hosting one of the most successful football shows on radio. I share a seat next to other passionate football fans doing what we love. Our panel consists of ex-college stars, former highschool athletes as well as former coaches and coordinators. We took every Saturday at a day by day approach, discussing, predicting and simply acknowledging the current state of the game. Our humble approach was a non biased setting that simply kept the program about football. We watched this radio program bloom into over 150 thousand listeners last year and hope to further our progress this coming season. Join us as we continue this program with the hopes and prayers that we may inspire someone to hang in there, push forward and do what we have been commanded to do…..FINISH THE COURSE.May God bless you,Daylon “DJ” Cosby

Greetings, I am Jasmine “Jazz” Anthony, I reside here in Bainbridge, Ga. I am 23 years of age, married to an awesome man, Kendrick Anthony. I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior at an early age, I learned the importance of having a relationship with Christ and the effects it will have on your future life. I am very passionate about singing and helping lead others to Christ.I have a very strong drawing to minister to our youth and young adults not only in ministry but throughout my daily living. This is so important because if we as the church do not do this, then the streets will. I find it quite simple, if we don’t share what is right, the streets will share what is wrong; by labeling it as being socially correct. We have been where they are trying to go, we can minister and guide them to the right path, so they won’t have to make the same mistakes we did.We know that youth and young adults will make their own decisions throughout their lives and we also know that the influence of the new “norm” will devour them. Proverbs 22:6 gives us a plain yet brutal at times command, We must train them up in the way they should go, and when they are old they shall not part. Make no mistake, the word was clear the way they should go, not the way we or the world would have them to go. Unless we teach our children to be socially different, I fear for their souls. “Socially Different” will guide our teens, youth and young adults in the direction that God’s Word commands. Please join me as I venture this journey to change the mindsets as well as the souls of our dear dear youth.I pray God’s blessings upon you all,Jasmine “Jazz” Anthony

Hope Alexandria Haire is the youngest host you will find here on You Turn Radio. Hope has recently graduated high school and is beginning her journey as a Godly young adult. Just like her father, she has been in the music ministry since a very young age, many joke as she hummed, smiled and praised long before she was able to speak.
At the very young age of six she was performing on the stages of many churches and events with her family. By the age of 13, Hope’s talent had progressed well enough blessing her with many opportunities to sing on many stages around the world. These opportunities landed her to become a Nashville performer and even performing at the Grand Ole Opry. As humble as Hope has remained, such of an accomplishment would leave some content. During this season Hope began to shift and lose passion for the competition side of music. Hope began to really express her passion for ministry, she began to sing for God in a quest for saving souls. After the loss of her grandparents, she has totally committed her life, her voice, as well as her future to reaching the lost and hurt.“Revive Us” is a project that is very dear to her heart. The music ministry that her family traveled relentlessly has left a stronghold in her heart to seek revival as it has never been released before. The future may take Hope on the road as she continues the family legacy, but for now You Turn Radio is blessed to have her on board.“It is my hope and prayer that this station will reach someone out there that has lost all hope. As I continue to grow in my faith my commitment and promise is to always acknowledge God through every circumstance. In my young age I have seen things that I never thought we as believers and we as the church would allow. I plead the Blood and I long for revival to heal our land just as God promised. Go in peace,”In God’s love,Hope Alexandria Haire